System library

haku comes with a set of built-in functions, called the system library. This is a reference for these functions.

Preamble: how to read this reference

Each function comes with a signature description. These descriptions read like this:

  thickness : number
  color : rgba
  position : vec
  -> scribble

The first element is always the function’s name - in this case stroke. Following this are argumentName : argumentType pairs, which describe the arguments that need to be passed to the function. The last element is always the type of data this function produces.

Function names which are made up of symbols instead of letters are operators. Operators may have one or two arguments, where one argument corresponds to a prefix form -x, and two arguments correspond to an infix form x - y. Note that this documentation lists a unary and binary operator of the same spelling as two separate functions, not overloads of a single function.

The argument name usually does not matter when calling the function - it is only used for documentation purposes. The one exception is arguments called ..., which signify that zero or more arguments can be passed to the function at that position. (Currently there are no functions that accept any number of arguments, though.)

The argument type however is important. If you try to use a function with the wrong type of value as its argument, it will fail with an error. For example, consider a brush where we pass a number as stroke’s color and position arguments.

stroke 1 1 1

This brush will fail to render, since stroke expects an rgba as its 2nd argument.

With that said, there are several types of values in haku that can be passed into, and returned by functions.

  • _ - special type used to signify that any value may be passed into the function.
  • () - also known as nil, means no value.
  • boolean - either False or True. Indicates truth or falsehood, used in if conditions.
  • number - a real number, with 32 bits of precision.
  • vec - a 4-dimensional vector, composed of four numbers.
  • rgba - an RGBA color, composed of four numbers.
  • \a -> r - a function taking in the parameter a and returning r, as returned by \x -> x literals.
  • list t - a list of values, where each value is of the type t.
  • shape - a mathematical shape.
    • shapeLike - anything that can be turned into a shape using toShape.
  • scribble - something that can be drawn on the wall.
  • reticle - an interaction the user can make with the wall.

The syntax a | b may be used to signify that one of the listed types is accepted or returned.

The following syntax:

  A : t
  B : u

is used for records—functions which take in a tag as a parameter, and return a value depending on what tag was passed. In the case above, if A is passed in a value of type t is returned, and if B is passed in a value of type u is returned. Passing in any other tag is an error.


  a : number
  -> number

  a : vector
  -> vector

-, when used in its unary form -x, returns the number x with the opposite sign. When used on vectors, returns the same vector facing the reverse direction (the individual components are negated.)

This operation is not defined for colors, because it doesn’t make sense to have a color with negative RGBA values.

  a : number
  b : number
  -> number

  a : vector
  b : vector
  -> vector

  a : rgba
  b : rgba
  -> rgba

+ adds two numbers, vectors, or colors together.

  a : number
  b : number
  -> number

  a : vector
  b : vector
  -> vector

  a : rgba
  b : rgba
  -> rgba

-, when used in its binary form x - y, subtracts two numbers, vectors, or colors from one another.

  a : number
  b : number
  -> number

  a : vector
  b : vector
  -> vector

  a : rgba
  b : rgba
  -> rgba

* multiplies two numbers together. When used on vectors, it scales them component-wise. Likewise for colors.

  a : number
  b : number
  -> number

  a : vector
  b : vector
  -> vector

  a : rgba
  b : rgba
  -> rgba

/ divides a number by another number. When used on vectors, it divides them component-wise. Likewise for colors.

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

floor, ceil, and round are rounding functions. Each of them rounds a little differently:

  • floor rounds towards -∞.
  • ceil rounds towards +∞.
  • round rounds half towards +∞.
  x : number
  -> number

abs returns the absolute value of the given number.

If x is less than zero, returns -x. Otherwise returns x.

  x : number
  y : number
  -> number

mod is the modulo operation.

It returns the remainder of dividing x by y. haku uses the Euclidean definition, which means the remainder returned by mod is always non-negative.

  base : number
  exponent : number
  -> number

pow raises base to the given exponent.

  x : number
  -> number

  x : nunber
  -> number

sqrt returns the square root of the given number.

cbrt returns the cubic root of the given number.

Other roots may be obtained using pow x (1 / base).

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

In the following functions, e is the base of the natural logarithm (approximately 2.7128.) The e constant (Euler’s number) is currently not exposed to haku source code; you have to define it yourself.

exp is the exponential function pow e x.

ln is the natural logarithm (logarithm base e of x.)

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

expMinus1 is pow e x - 1, but accurate even when x is close to zero.

ln1Plus is ln (1 + x), but more accurate than if the operations are performed separately.

  x : number
  -> number

exp2 is the exponential function pow 2 x.

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

log2 is the logarithm base 2 of x.

log10 is the logarithm base 10 of x.

  x : number
  y : number
  -> number

hypot is the hypotenuse of the Pythagorean triangle with right angle-adjacent sides x and y.

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

sin, cos, and tan are the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent. Their argument x is counted in radians.

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

asin, acos, and atan are the inverse trigonometric functions arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent. Their argument x is counted in radians.

  y : number
  x : number
  -> number

atan2 is the angle between the positive X axis and a line that passes through (0, 0) and (x, y).

Note the reverse argument order—y comes first, due to atan2 being a convenience function over atan (y / x) that is defined for all arguments.

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

  x : number
  -> number

sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, and atanh, are the six hyperbolic functions.


The following functions are used to compare values and work with booleans.

  a : _
  -> boolean

If b is () or False, not returns True. Otherwise it returns False.

  a : _
  b : _
  -> boolean

  a : _
  b : _
  -> boolean

== returns True if a and b are equal. Whether two values are considered equal depends on their type:

  • If the type of the two values differs, False is returned.
  • If the two values are numbers:
    • If any of the values are NaN, False is returned.
    • Otherwise True is returned if the two numbers have the exact same bit representation.
  • If the two values are vecs, True is returned if each of their number components is equal to each other using the rules above.
  • Likewise with rgbas.
  • All other types of values use reference equality - True is returned only if a and b are located in the same place in memory. This more or less means that the values are considered equal if they are produced by the same call to a system function, in time.

!= returns !(a == b).

  a : _
  b : _
  -> boolean

  a : _
  b : _
  -> boolean

  a : _
  b : _
  -> boolean

  a : _
  b : _
  -> boolean

< returns True if a is less than b, and <= returns True if a is less than or equal to b.

Order is only well-defined for numbers. Other types may assume an arbitrary but consistent ordering - () may be less than True, or it may not be less than True, but this will not change between executions of the program.

a > b is the same as b < a. a >= b is the same as b <= a.

Note that and and or are currently missing from this list, but are reserved keywords. You can implement them using regular functions as a replacement.

boolAnd = \a, b ->
  if (a)
    if (b) True
    else False
  else False

boolOr = \a, b ->
  if (a)
    if (b) True
    else False


  x : number
  -> vec

  x : number
  y : number
  -> vec

  x : number
  y : number
  z : number
  -> vec

  x : number
  y : number
  z : number
  w : number
  -> vec

Creates a new vec from one to four number values.

A vec always has four dimensions. If any of the arguments are omitted, its corresponding dimension is initialized to zero.

  v : vec
  -> number

  v : vec
  -> number

  v : vec
  -> number

  v : vec
  -> number

vecX, vecY, vecZ, and vecW extract the individual components of a vec.


  r : number
  g : number
  b : number
  a : number
  -> rgba

Creates a new rgba with the given color channels. Note that unlike vec, all color channels have to be provided to form an rgba.

  color : rgba
  -> number

  color : rgba
  -> number

  color : rgba
  -> number

  color : rgba
  -> number

rgbaR, rgbaG, rgbaB, rgbaA extract color channels out of an rgba.

haku uses RGBA values in a normalized 0 to 1 range rather than 0 to 255, which may be unfamiliar if you’re coming from other image editing software. This is because it’s easier to do math on normalized colors. For example, consider multiplicatively blending two colors.

-- This is how you can multiply two colors together.
-- Note that the `*` operator works for colors, so you don't need to define this in your brushes.
mulRgba = \a, b ->
  rgba (rgbaR a * rgbaR b) (rgbaG a * rgbaG b) (rgbaB a * rgbaB b) (rgbaA a * rgbaA b)

If haku represented colors using an 8-bit 0 to 255 range instead, to multiply two colors together, you would have to divide them by 255 to get them back into the correct range.

-- NOTE: This example does NOT work correctly.
mulRgba = \a, b ->
  let red = (rgbaR a * rgbaR b) / 255
  let green = (rgbaG a * rgbaG b) / 255
  let blue = (rgbaB a * rgbaB b) / 255
  let alpha = (rgbaA a * rgbaA b) / 255
  rgba red green blue alpha

Note that haku does not clamp colors to the 0 to 1 range. It is perfectly valid to have a color that is out of range or even NaN, but when drawing scribbles:

  • any number less than 0 is clamped to 0.
  • any number greater than 1 is clamped to 1.
  • is clamped back to 1.
  • -∞ is clamped back to 0.
  • any scribble with a NaN color is ignored.

Before scribbles are drawn to the wall, colors are converted to 8-bit integers for more efficient rasterization and storage. This means some loss of precision will happen, which may cause issues with brushes like this one:

stroke 128 #00000004 (vec 0 0)

If you try to to use this brush to fill up a single spot with black, you will notice that despite all the math suggesting so, the color will end up gray instead.


  l : list _
  -> number

Returns the number of elements in the given list (its length.)

  l : list t
  i : number
  -> t

Returns an element of the list, located at the given index i. The first element is located at index 0.

Indexing out of bounds is an error.


  value : _
  -> () | shape

Converts the given value to a shape.

  • For shape, clones the shape that was passed in.
  • For vec, returns a point shape.
  • For anything else, returns ().
  start : vec
  end : vec
  -> shape

Creates a line segment shape with the provided start and end points.

  position : vec
  size : vec
  -> shape

  x : number
  y : number
  width : number
  height : number
  -> shape

Creates a rectangle shape with its top-left corner at position, with a given size stretching from the top-left corner.

The alternative 4-argument version takes in the rectangle’s X/Y coordinates, width, and height as separate arguments instead of aggregating them into a vec.

  center : vec
  radius : number
  -> shape

  x : number
  y : number
  radius : number
  -> shape

Creates a circle shape, with its center at center, with the provided radius.

The alternative 3-argument version takes in the circle’s center X/Y coordinates as separate arguments instead of aggregating them into a vec.


  thickness : number
  color : rgba
  shape : shapeLike
  -> scribble

Creates a stroke scribble, which outlines the provided shape with a stroke of the given thickness and color.

Point shapes are drawn as circles, and line shapes have round caps at the line’s endpoints.

  color : rgba
  shape : shapeLike
  -> scribble

Creates a fill scribble, which fills in the entire area of the provided shape with a solid color.

Since this requires the shape to have a surface area, this does not do anything when point and line shapes are passed in.


  cont : \{
    To   : vec
    From : vec
    Num  : number
  } -> scribble
  -> reticle

The dotter is a reticle that allows the user to draw things on the wall directly under the mouse cursor. Once the user makes the interaction (presses the left mouse button), cont is called repeatedly with every movement of the mouse cursor, until the mouse button is released.

It’s not called a plotter since the dotter does not plot lines or curves; it only places dots under the mouse cursor.

During the interaction, cont is called with a record containing the following fields:

  • To - the current position of the mouse cursor
  • From - the previous position of the mouse cursor. May be equal to To if the user just pressed the mouse button.
  • Num - the number of times cont has been called since the mouse cursor was pressed. Always greater or equal to 0.

Since the dotter reticle finishes immediately (there is no extra interaction the user needs to take after pressing the mouse button for the action to be taken,) cont may only return a scribble; never another reticle.

The drawing area is a large, square, chunk-aligned perimeter around To.